Friday 25 June 2010

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Saturday 27 March 2010

Thursday 25 February 2010

Thursday night terror

Tonight's tour started with a small group of participants at the Clifton Street Cemetery. Within one hour they were in the Crumlin Road Prison dungeons witnessing the spirit presence of several children and at least one adult male. Once again orbs were captured but this time the grey figure appeared clearly to everyone in the tunnel. Participants were physically pushed and pulled. Everyone on the tour experienced something. The activity augurs well for the Friday night tour says the spirit medium but some of those who came along out of curiosity are not convinced about that and after experiencing a night of terror are away home with a lot to think about and perhaps some extra company that they were not expecting.

Friday 22 January 2010

Research Document lists unexplained activity at abandoned Gaol

Results of recent research has revealed that continuing unexplained activity at the Crumlin Road Prison is the main attraction for scores of inquisitive visitors last year. The activity has meant that tour operators at the Glenravel Local History Project have had to double their tour date itinerary to cope with ongoing demand.
Strange orbs, dramatic temperature drops, noises and apparitions have been the most common occurrences. Lately several people have taken ill due to fear in what has become the city's only genuine ghost hunting experience. This year's tours will be under closer scrutiny with university researchers joining the already experienced local history team to provide a scientific explanation to the strange activity.