I was really looking forward to the tour of the jail and the cemetery, as I really quite like local history and find it fascinating. The history talk certainly did not disappoint. It was incredibly interesting – who would have believed all that happened in Northern Ireland!
Now the ‘ghost hunting’ part of the tour was a different thing. I’ll be honest and admit that when it comes to ghosts/spirits I am very sceptical to the point of not believing, however, I went with an open mind and if it meant meeting a ghost/spirit, I hoped it would be more Casper than poltergeist.
Yes it is true that in the jail I felt, saw and heard things, but I believe they could all be explained in very rational terms.
The tour was in January, which is winter, and winter is very cold, particularly in huge empty buildings that do not have central heating, double-glazing or carpets. Feeling the cold and draughts under these circumstances did not make me feel a spirit was close.
Sure, in the tunnel I saw lots of bright lights and glowing floating spots of light, but these were only in the aftermath of the dozen or so camera flashes coming from other people on the tour. I don’t think this was demonstrative of spirits being near but rather bright lights in a darkened room dazzling me.
And as for hearing spirit responses to the guides’ questions, the only responses I heard were the anxious/nervous squeals and giggles from those people who were caught up in the notion of seeing or feeling spirits, which is certainly not the knocks we could have expected.
The jail itself is a sad place; many thousands of people young and old passed through those doors and endured conditions we can only imagine. Going into a building such as this evokes many feelings, some may feel sick but I think it might be empathy, especially when taken to the room where children were beaten with cat’o’ 9 tails or killed themselves to avoid that fate. But jail, convictions and punishments, well, that’s a debate for another time, and another forum.
Go on the tour, it’s definitely worth it.